Seeing the other

shaping political discourse, policy development and imagining the future

Human relationships are the key to building a better society. Each of us carry our own beliefs, values and narratives. We listen to our own feelings, mind & heart but seldom are ready to see & hear the other. When we encounter difficult topics (like climate change, development race, class & gender), challenging situations (homelessness, redistribution & land rights) & disagreeable positions, our normative response is to react and defend. Our ability to see, hear and learn from each other is the only way to shape a better society.

Seeing the Other (StO) is a change agent and collective. We work in the balance between conflict and consensus. StO uses narratives, storytelling, data analytics, strategic & political advice, advocacy and future imaginings to shape this balance. We help build bridges and embrace complexity beyond the surface level issues.  

Our journey always begins with a story. We use stories as a point to understand the heart of any complex issue, conflict or condition. Our methodology uses stories to move away from ‘quick and static solutions’ to strategies that are generative, dynamic and distinctly lateral. We help move beyond attributing blame to conversations, pathways and processes that contribute to collective solutions. .

Change happens when we see each other…..


Putting our thinking into action

  • Shaping political discourse and public policy

    Advising political parties, leaders & senior government officials on how to approach city building and problem solving differently. We find policy, procedures and human solutions at the intersection of social justice, affordable housing, climate change and urban governance. We provide futures thinking around both emergent leadership models, strategic political guidance and change management.

  • Curating storytelling and data

    Curating storytelling, narratives and data analytics in imagining the future of our cities. We curate an annual publication of disruptive and radical ideas on cities using stories, comics, poetry, dystopian/ utopian imaginations, graphic art etc.

  • Enabling social justice startups

    Supporting the turnaround and formation of new start up social enterprises that are interested in deep societal change and social good. We help young leaders develop ideas, build startups and create systems, policies, procedures to advance social good at its core.